Our grandfather Georges Delabie was born in 1889. He began his career as a worker, then decided to set up on his own in 1928, buying a foundry established in 1863. Thus began the history of our family business… 90 years ago.
In 1947, our father Jean joined his father Georges. Together they developed many models of sanitary water controls which would make the DELABIE brand well known. We - Jean-Claude, Gérard and Luc, Jean’s three sons - started our adventure in 1964, 1969 and 1987 respectively. Finally, Patrick, Jean-Claude’s son and Georges’ great-grandson, ensured the succession in 1995.
“We have been given a torch and we must pass it on to future generations.”
This leitmotiv has been driving the DELABIE family and their teams for 90 years.
Four generations of entrepreneurs and employees have succeeded one another, fostering trust, accumulating expertise and cultivating a passion to do well. DELABIE is an incredible human adventure. This reinforces our desire to remain independent, to progress and to develop.
DELABIE has become the European leader in sanitary equipment for Public and Commercial buildings and is a key global player, exporting to 80 countries worldwide.

We owe our success to our wholesale customers and installers who trust us and help us to make continual progress, as well as the specifiers and consulting engineers who make us their specification choice. We would like to say a very big “Thank You” to them! Especially to those who supported us when we were less well known.
The breadth and depth of our ranges, as well as the number of technical products that we develop every year, opens up unique development opportunities for future years. The experiences of the last 90 years has fuelled our motivation to build this promising future with you.
All of our employees join with us to thank you sincerely for your trust and we would like to assure you of our commitment to you and the future.
Jean-Claude, Gérard, Luc and Patrick DELABIE
Associate Directors